In 1894 Burlesque 1st visited the city of Shreveport, Louisiana at The Shreveport Opera House in the guise of Fanny Hill's Big Burlesque Company. Now, 0ver 100 years later Neo- Burlesque makes it's 1st visit to Shreveport via NXNWLA Fundraiser, "A Tribute To Fanny Hill's Big Burlesque Company" this Sunday August 22nd, 7:pm at 516 Texas Street! Special thanks to Waneta Walmsley & Courtney Shay Young of W C Choreography for pulling together this stunning production.
Tickets can still be purchased at www.nxnwla.org.
Downtown Shreveport got a sneak preview during last Thursday's pub crawl in front of NXNWLA World Headquarters, 516 Texas Street. It was an attention getter!